So I have been blog stalking for years is only this year that I started my own
personal blog and this blog with my near and dear, Ms. Taylor. I have been seeing "Linky Parties" and "Link Ups" on blogs for a while now...and never really understood them until today...I am linking up not only on this blog but my personal blog (coincidentally, honest!) for the first time!
I have seen Five for Friday on a few blogs I follow...but haven't even taken the time to read them (I know, I know that sounds terrible!) Today I realized it was a linky party with
Doodle Bugs - a blog I do not follow but I do see a lot about on
Teachers Pay Teachers! While reading a teacher blog I do follow (
Step in to Second Grade) I saw that she was "Linking Up" and I made the connection! I just did
my first linky on my personal blog today! Why not do my first on here, too?!
So here goes nothing, my first...
1. This was a LONG week for me and for my students. I mean LONG! I work in a performing arts school, with that comes lots of...well, arts! At our school we have lots of performances. K-3 students have a big musical each spring. This was my very first one (and Ms. Taylor's, too!) Through all the chaos and long practices (and I mean looooong - last week we practiced every day from 8-10 and this week we practiced Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:30-2:30) my rising stars thrived. They went on stage, they sang their little hearts out, danced their little bottoms off, and didn't forget to smile...although they did forget to exit and bow and exit again...but that's okay. They worked hard and were cutie patooties doing it! So proud of my little Oompa Loompas!
2. In January I began selling my lessons on Teachers Pay Teachers. I love sharing and I am excited to think that other teachers are using my resources - very cool! This week I posted, in my opinion, a GREAT freebie!
3. Today we had a work day - what a beautiful gift after our performance last night! I was able to get a lot done in my classroom and prepared to finally get back to normal next week. I also was able to print and cut my new Luck of the Irish Math and Literacy Centers which we will use starting next week.
5. Starting your first teaching job can be scary. Throw in a move across country and changing not only your life, but your sweet and supportive fiancé's life too... it's downright terrifying. But somehow I landed in the right place. I not only have great co-workers, but people who support me. After a long, stressful and emotional week, I am glad I am not drowning. Shout out to my fellow teachers, you're all awesome!
I loved having this opportunity to reflect on my week. I think I will definitely be participating in Five for Friday's in the future! :)