Today was an interesting day. I woke up this morning late. Now this is not a rare occurrence. I am NOT a morning person. It runs in my genes. Waking me up is about as difficult as a T-Rex making a bed. I just love sleep, thank's for that trait, mom! So once I finally peeled myself out of bed, I rushed to get ready and out the door. I drove to school in my normal daze, thinking about my plans for the day, and when I pulled in the front parking lot was empty. I assumed there was some event and everyone was parked out back. Nope, wrong. The back parking lot was empty, too. The bus was still there. I looked around and could not figure out why there would be a was 38 degrees and there was a light rain! After saying a choice word or too, I finally decided to check my e-mail on my phone (did I mention as I left this morning I said jokingly to my fiancé "I hope there isn't a delay! I didn't check my e-mail!) School had been delayed at 8:30 the night before...why did I not check my e-mail?! Oh, because there was no apparent reason to check! We do not have keys to the school, so I had no choice but to turn around and go back home. I was NOT a happy camper. I was so angry I could have slept in and not wasted my gas by driving to and from work twice today,
and you don't need us to tell you that gas prices are back on the rise!
When I got home I crawled back in bed and asked for someone to take me back to New York where you go to school for all 180 school days, in wind, rain, hail, 12 feet of snow, and uphill both! When I returned to work I was still unhappy, but my little darlings turned my frown upside down - have I mentioned I love my class?! I was also able to work on my door since my students were at dance first thing - I cannot wait to share it with you! And that also put me in a better mood, because I just love being crafty.
My day was turning out to be nothing like I had planned...when we got there I had to take my students straight to spelling test or Friday Jeopardy! with Ms. Taylor's class. That afternoon, my students were taking a quiz on regrouping and all was silent in my room (except for that quiet sound of pencils writing and hard brains working) when we all nearly jumped out of our skin - fire alarm!
I need to pause and tell you how GREAT my students were. They did run to get in line, but without being asked, they lined up quickly and quietly while I grabbed my coat (remember, 38 degrees may not have been freezing cold in my book...but it wasn't a balmy beach day either!) and keys. My kids have this strange thing about wearing their coats all day, so they were already bundled up.
We walked out of the building and I knew it wasn't a drill, remember that rain I was complaining about? Second grade rocked it...they walked out, lined up and quietly waited for the next direction. We all waited...and then heard the thunder (my mind flashed to my camp days - children should not be outside when it is thundering!) and the rain began to pick up. Luckily, we were able to open the bus up and have the 1, 2 and 3 grades sit on there, while the kindergarteners and 8th graders went in a back shed we have. Our assistant principal came out to let us know it was in fact, not a drill, but nothing to be concerned about. A microwave problem had set the alarms off and we could not re-enter the building until the fire department came and deemed it safe.
What a day! I missed two hours in the morning from the delay, another 45 minutes from our little fire alarm, by the time we got back inside it was time for art. After art was a birthday snack, and the day was just about over! I guess I just had to be that good ol, flexible! All of Friday will be moved to Monday!
Another first for my first year of teaching...first actual fire alarm, check! Fire drills paid off, my students were amazing!